The Frejus Tunnel is scheduled to be closed completely at the end of January

The Frejus Tunnel is scheduled to be closed completely at the end of January

The Frejus Tunnel connecting Italy and France has been under a series of road maintenance works starting from the beginning of 2024. Vehicle traffic direction changes and alternating traffic have been introduced since the start of January in order to allow the necessary work to be carried out. However, it has now been announced that the tunnel will be closed completely on the last weekend in January.

The tunnel closure will take place from Friday, 26th of January, 22:00 until Monday, 29th of January, 06:00. This decision was taken so that it would be possible to carry out additional tests and to complete the work on the tunnel's second tube, which is expected to be used by around 2,000 trucks every day once it is open.

Other changes that interfere with normal tunnel traffic will also continue. Currently, alternating traffic is introduced in the tunnel every day starting from 22:30 up until 04:30 and this is planned to continue until 4th of February. The same traffic control measures will also be taken on 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th of January. It is estimated that from 2024 the traffic in the Frejus Tunnel will increase by 5.1%.

Sausio pabaigoje planuojama visiškai uždaryti Frėjaus tunelį

Keywords: work for drivers, work for long-haul drivers, road closures, traffic restrictions, Frejus Tunnel