In 2024, many European countries will be increasing the tariffs of road tolls. In some countries, the toll payment systems are also going to change. For example, in France and Croatia, new electronic payment systems that allow to pay the tolls online will be implemented. In this article, we provide a list of countries in which the road tolls or the toll payment systems are going to change in the upcoming year.
In 2024 an electronic road toll payment system should be introduced in Croatia. This system will automatically scan the vehicle’s license plate and the toll payments will then be made remotely. This allows to avoid traffic jams on important roads.
In 2024 road taxes for trucks in Germany will be €200 more expensive per one ton of CO2 gas compared to this year. Trucks that emit a lot of CO2 gases are currently subject to higher tolls if they weigh 7.5t. However, starting from next year, higher taxes will also apply to 3.5t trucks.
The Alsace region of France currently has no tolls except for one tunnel. However, from 2024 a mileage-based road tax for trucks will be introduced but it is not yet clear what tariff will be applied to each EURO category.
Simultaneously, in 2024 a new free movement technology that automatically scans the vehicles’ license plates will be introduced on the Normandy highway. Vehicles already registered in the system will automatically pay road taxes via a dedicated platform while the drivers who are not registered as regular users will be able to pay the road toll online or by phone. This will allow to avoid traffic jams on the high-traffic highway.
Starting from 2024, Spain plans to turn all highways into toll roads. It is not yet clear whether the amount of taxes will depend on the EURO class of trucks, the number of kilometers driven, or other aspects. It is likely that a flat fee will be introduced on all roads, but it is not clear what tariff will be applied on different motorways.
The Netherlands
From 2024 tolls should be introduced on the Blankenburg motorway connecting the A15 and A20 roads and on the new ViA15 motorway connecting the A15 and A12 roads in the Netherlands. These road tolls should be temporary and last only until 2030. The prices of these road tolls are still to be decided, but it is likely that the rate applied for all trucks will be €7.94 on both roads.
It is also expected that in 2026 vignettes will be removed and tolls for trucks will be introduced on some roads. These tolls will apply to all vehicles weighing more than 3.5t. The prices will depend on how many kilometers the truck has traveled, how much the vehicle weighs, and which EURO category it belongs to.
In 2024 the road toll system should not change, but starting from 2025, a mileage-based road tax will be introduced for heavy vehicles, the rates of which will depend on how much CO2 gas the vehicle emits. This tax will affect gasoline and diesel-powered trucks the most. Drivers of zero-emission trucks will pay DKK 0.2 per kilometer while drivers of gasoline or diesel-powered trucks will pay DKK 1.3 per kilometer. This tax will apply to trucks weighing 12 tons and more, and from 2027 it will also apply to smaller trucks.
Keywords: road tolls, road toll increases, work for drivers, work for long-haul drivers