4 summer recipes for truck drivers

4 summer recipes for truck drivers

As the summer has started and the weather has improved, the grill season has also begun. But the intense job of a truck driver often does not leave enough time to prepare nice BBQ meals while the lack of cooking equipment also often makes it harder. Because of this, we have prepared a list of 4 quick and easy recipes that will allow you to enjoy the grilling season without spending too much time and effort and without the need to use special BBQ equipment.

Beef burgers

Burgers are a very easy meal to prepare and one in which you can always change the ingredients and their quantities depending on your personal taste. Although this recipe uses beef to prepare the burgers, you can always personalize it by using chicken or other preferred meat instead of the beef.

To make 2 burgers you will need:

  • 250g of ground beef burgers,
  • Garlic,
  • Salt and pepper,
  • Oil,
  • An onion,
  • 1 big tomato,
  • Pickles,
  • Lettuce,
  • Avocado (optional),
  • 4 burger buns,
  • Shredded cheese (optional),
  • Ranch sauce.

In the grill or in a big pan heat up some oil and cook the beef burgers. If you are using simple ground meat, form it into equally shaped patties (around 10cm diameter). While cooking the meat, sprinkle salt and pepper on top of it. Slice the onion, tomato, avocado, and the pickles. Slightly toast the buns inside of the pan and cover them with the sauce. Place the meat on top of the bun, sprinkle cheese on top, place the vegetables, and put the top bun on it.

If you prefer to make it completely homemade, you can also make the ranch sauce yourself by mixing the following ingredients together: sour cream, mayonnaise, a little bit of dill, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Instead of this sauce, you can also use other store-bought sauces. You can also add additional ingredients to this recipe, for example, jalapeno peppers.

BBQ style chicken

This recipe allows you to make BBQ chicken in a very easy way by either using the grill or a pan. Although here we recommend using chicken breasts, you can also use this recipe to prepare chicken wings.

You will need:

  • 2-3 chicken breasts (approx. 450g),
  • Garlic or garlic powder,
  • Salt and pepper,
  • Smoked paprika spices,
  • Oil,
  • BBQ sauce.

In a cup mix the paprika with garlic, salt, and pepper. Slightly pound the chicken breasts so that they are of the same thickness (if you’re using chicken wings you don’t need to do this). Season both sides of the chicken with the spice mix. Heat up the grill or a pan, put some oil in, and cook the chicken (around 5-7min for each side) until both sides have browned. Take out the chicken and spread some BBQ sauce on it. Serve it with potatoes, salad, or any other garnish of your choice.

Grilled steak and potato kabobs

To make this recipe you will need a grill and metal skewers. This is an easy way to prepare meat and potatoes without spending too much time cooking and by using not too many ingredients.

You will need:

  • 450g of beef steak,
  • 4 red potatoes (or simple potatoes),
  • Garlic powder or garlic,
  • Salt and pepper,
  • Half a teaspoon of dried parsley (you can also use fresh parsley).

Slice the potatoes into 4 pieces, steam them slightly (approx. 8min) so they become softer. Cut the steak into similar size pieces. Place the meat and potatoes onto the skewer by alternating the pieces (i.e.: one piece of steak, one piece of potato). Sprinkle garlic powder, salt, pepper, and parsley on top of the skewers. Heat up the grill and cook the skewers for 10-12min by flipping them so all sides cook equally.

Hot dogs

This hot dog recipe is incredibly quick and simple. Although here we provide a recipe for making your own hot dog sauce, you can always change it with a store-bought sauce of your choice. You may also choose the sausages depending on your taste – beef, pork, or any other sausages will fit perfectly for this recipe.

To make 6 hot dogs you will need:

  • 6 sausages,
  • Cheese of your choice,
  • 6 hot dog buns, 
  • Lettuce leaves,
  • Pickles,
  • A yellow onion.

To make the sauce you will need:

  • Half a cup of mayonnaise,
  • A couple of spoons of ketchup,
  • A couple of spoons of mustard,
  • A couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar,
  • Salt and pepper,
  • Garlic.

In a cup mix all of the sauce ingredients. Cook the sauces in the grill (or a pan) for around 5min until all sides are equally cooked. Cut the lettuce and the onion into small pieces and prepare the pickles. If you‘d like, you can slightly toast the hot dog buns in a pan. Put cheese inside the bun and place the sausage on top. On top of the hot dog spread some of the sauce and sprinkle the lettuce, pickles, and onions on top.

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Keywords: work for drivers, work for long-haul drivers, recipes for drivers